Lipstick Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

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Lipstick is one of the best selling cosmetic products. Its history has started about 5000 years ago.
The Lipstick Quiz includes some interesting multiple choice trivia questions and answers about the topic. How many correct answers will you give?
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1. When was lipstick possibly invented?
5000 years ago
2. What probably was used as a first lipstick?
Crushed gemstones
3. Where were bugs crushed to get red pigment for lips?
Ancient Egypt
4. What were lipsticks used for in Ancient Egypt?
To show social status
5. When did lip coloring start to gain its popularity in England?
16th century
6. Which company began to commercially manufacture lipsticks?
7. When was the first commercial lipstick invented?
8. Which lipstick shade was highly popular in 1920s?
Dark red
9. When was long-lasting lipstick invented?
10. What was and still one of the most popular ingredient for making lipsticks?