Liver Quiz: questions and answers
Right answers
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1. In which quadrant of the abdomen is the liver located?
Right upper quadrant
2. What is the name of the alkaline compound which helps the breakdown of fat?
3. Where is the bile stored?
In the gallbladder
4. A human liver normally weighs:
1.44 - 1.66 kg
5. The liver rests to the right side of the:
6. What is the average width of a human liver?
15 cm
7. What are the two large blood vessels connected to the liver?
Hepatic artery and portal vein
8. In how many parts is the liver grossly divided when viewed from above and when viewed from below?
Two and four parts
9. What is hepatitis?
An inflammation of the liver tissue
10. Who performed the first human liver transplants?
Thomas Starzl