Locust Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

Locust Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers
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1. Locusts are certain species of short-horned:


2. In terms of their scientific classification, which family do locusts belong to?


3. A large swarm can consist of billions of locusts spread out over an area of thousands of square kilometers, with a population of up to:

80 million per square kilometer

4. Which monoamine neurotransmitter released by the nervous system of locusts causes them to become mutually attracted?


5. What was the initial area covered by the locust plague in Africa, the Middle East and Asia that lasted from 1966 to 1969?

100,000 square kilometers

6. Where does the Chortoicetes terminifera swarm across?


7. What was the cost of handling the major locust infestation of western Africa in 2004?

US$122 million

8. Where can the Hieroglyphus daganensis be found?

Sahel region

9. What is the conservation status of the Rocky Mountain locust (Melanoplus spretus)?

Extinct (EX)

10. In Islamic jurisprudence, eating locusts is considered halal, what does it mean?

It means that eating locusts is lawful or permissible
