Manhattan Quiz: questions and answers

Manhattan Quiz: questions and answers
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Manhattan is one of the five boroughs of New York which is considered the historical center of the city. What do you know about this place?

Manhattan quiz consists of some interesting questions and answers about the stated topic. Play the quiz and test your knowledge!

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1. Where is the Empire State Building located?

34 street and 5th avenue

2. Who is the director of the movie Manhattan?

Woody Allen

3. How many islands is Manhatten located on?


4. Which of these universities is located in Manhattan?

Columbia University

5. What is Manhattan's biggest park?

Central Park

6. What is Manhattan's tallest building?

One World Trade Center

7. What is Manhattan bordered to the east by?

East River

8. When was Manhattan founded?


9. Which bridge connects Manhattan to Brooklyn?

Brooklyn Bridge

10. Which of the following sights of New York is not located in Manhattan?

The Peggy Guggenheim Collection
