Mars Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

Mars Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers
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Mars is a god of war and the guardian of agriculture in Roman mythology. He was the father of Romulus and Remus who founded the city of Rome.

The Mars Quiz contains ten multiple choice questions with answers to test your knowledge of the topic. How many correct answers will you give?

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1. Mars is a God of:


2. Who was the father of Mars?


3. Who was the mother of Mars?


4. Who is the sibling of Mars?


5. Who was the partner of Mars?


6. In which calendar, March was the first month?

In the earliest Roman calendar

7. Where were Venus and Mars presented as a complementary pair?

In the lectisternium

8. Which bird was most sacred to Mars?

The woodpecker

9. When was the main Temple of Mars built?

388 BC

10. What is the symbol of Mars?

The spear
