Mayonnaise Quiz: questions and answers

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1. Which mayonnaise's ingredient serves as an emulsifier?
Egg yolk
2. Which country is the world's third major per capita consumer of mayonnaise and first in Latin America?
3. What is Japanese mayonnaise typically made of?
Apple cider vinegar or rice vinegar
4. Where were mayonnaise tars first sold in the United States?
5. How much are mayonnaise sales yearly in the US?
$1.3 billion
6. What is the purpose of adding mustard to the mayonnaise recipe?
Stabilize the emulsion
7. Who was the first to sell mayonnaise in New York?
Richard Hellmann
8. How much oil can mayonnaise (not low fat) contain?
As much as 80%
9. What is mayonnaise?
A cold sauce
10. Which market in Europe is the only where mayonnaise is sold more than ketchup?