Mediterranean Sea Quiz: questions and answers

Mediterranean Sea Quiz: questions and answers
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1. Which ocean is the Mediterranean Sea connected to?

Atlantic Ocean

2. What is the Mediterranean Sea sometimes called in oceanography?

Eurafrican Mediterranean Sea

3. Which of these countries are surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea in a clockwise direction?


4. How the Maltese president described the Mediterranean Sea in 2013?

As a cemetery

5. How many deep basins is the sea divided into?

2 deep basins

6. What is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea by area?


7. Which of these countries have a coastline on the Mediterranean Sea?


8. Which canal is the first salt-water passage between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea?

Suez Canal

9. By 2100 the overall level of the Mediterranean could rise between 3 to 61 cm, the parts of which country can be submerged?


10. What is the name of the phenomenon when Red Sea species invade the Mediterranean?

Lessepsian migration
