Meerkats Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

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Meerkats are mammals of the family Herpestidae. They inhabit South Africa, mainly in the Kalahari Desert region: the territories of southwestern Angola, Namibia, Botswana and South Africa]. They inhabit open and desert lands that are almost devoid of trees.
The Meerkats Quiz consists of 9 multiple choice trivia questions with answers about these interesting animals. Try to answer them all!
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1. Which kingdom do meerkats belong to?
2. What is the lifespan of a meerkat?
12-14 years
3. What is the feeding behavior of meerkats?
4. What is the natural habitat of meerkats?
Deserts or dunes
5. Where are meerkats native to?
6. What is a group of meerkats called?
A mob
7. What is the size of an average adult meerkat?
29 cm
8. In which Disney movie one of the characters was a meerkat?
"The Lion King"
9. What is the scientific name of meerkats?
Suricata suricatta