Mitosis Quiz: questions and answers

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Mitosis is a very important biological process. Without mitosis, there will be no life on our planet.
Mitosis quiz will help you to test your knowledegу on this biological aspect. Try your best to get the highest score.
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1. What is mitosis?
Division of nucleus
2. What is mitosis preceded by?
S stage
3. What is the nest stage after mitosis?
4. Which stage is defined by Mitosis and Cytokineses together?
Mitotic(M) phase
5. How many daughter cells are produced during mitosis?
6. What is the name of mitotic error when 3 ore more daughter cells are produced?
Tripolar Mitosis
7. Where do mitosis occur?
Eukaryotic cells
8. What are prokaryotic cells characterized by?
They have no nucleus
9. What type of mitosis do fungi undergo?
Closed mitosis
10. How are sperms and egg cells produced?
By meiosis