Neuroscience Quiz: questions and answers

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Neuroscience is the multidisciplinary science that is a branch of biology. It studies the nervous system of living organisms and includes elements of physics, chemistry, philosophy, psychology, etc.
Neuroscience quiz contains ten curious questions and answers related to the topic. Play the quiz and test youк knowledge of this science!
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1. How is neuroscience also known?
2. What is the neuroscience?
Scientific study of the nervous system
3. Where is the earliest neuroscience study known?
Ancient Egypt
4. Which of the following is a neuroscience branch?
Affective Neuroscience
5. What does SFN stand for?
Society For Neuroscience
6. Who coined the neuron theory?
Santiago Ramon y Cajal
7. Who was also recognized as a helper of neuroscience?
Charles Scott Sherrington
8. What is neuroscience related to?
9. What does IBRO stand for?
International Brain Reserach Organization
10. What is the neuron?
Nerve cell