New Year Quiz: questions and answers

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New Year is the most important holiday of the year. It is celebrated on the last day of the current year and symbolizes the beginning of the new year.
New Year quiz contains 10 interesting multiple-choice questions and answers about this holiday.
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1. What is the first day of the Gregorian calendar?
January 1
2. What happens in January 1?
A new calendar year begins
3. When is New Year's Eve?
December 31
4. Where it's most important New Years celebration in the U.S.?
New York City
5. Which song is associated with New Year's Eve?
Auld Lang Syne
6. How's called the New year in Scotland?
7. What is the Spanish New Year tradition?
Eating 12 grapes
8. When does the Chinese New Year start?
Between January 21 and February 20
9. What is the Jewish New Year called?
Rosh Hashanah
10. When it was decided that New Year starts on January 1?