The Little Prince Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

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Do you like this wise fairy tale about the little boy? Check your knowledge on the plot of this masterpiece.
The Little Prince Quiz includes 10 interesting multiple choice trivia questions with answers about the history and the plot of this fairy tale. Test your knowledge of this topic!
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1. Who were the prototypes of the main characters of fairy tale – the Prince and the pilot, who landed the plane in the desert?
Exupery in his childhood, adult Exupery
2. How did the Little Prince come to Earth?
He came from another planet
3. What picture impressed small Antoine so much that he decided to paint his own drawing?
A big snake – boa, was swallowing a beast
4. What did adults advise when they saw the drawing of six years old Antoine “Boa swallowed an elephant"?
They advise not to draw snakes either outside or inside, and be more interested in geography, history, arithmetic and spelling
5. According the pilot, what was the asteroid the Prince came from?
Asteriod B-612
6. When the Prince met the pilot in dessert, what did he ask the pilot to draw?
A lamb
7. How was the Little Prince looking after the Rose?
He watered it and protected from the wind, covered with glass cap
8. What terrible plants grew on the Little Prince’s planet and threatened its existence, if you gave them free?
9. How did the Little Prince tamed the fox?
He came to the fox and each day sat down nearer to it
10. How was the Little Prince looking after his planet?
He cleaned his volcanoes every day and cut out baobab sprouts