Paris Quiz: 10 Trivia Questions and Answers

Paris Quiz: 10 Trivia Questions and Answers
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Let's check how well you know one of the most beautiful and romantic cities in the world!

The Paris Quiz consists of 10 multiple choice trivia questions with answers which will help you to revise your knowledge.

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1. “To see Paris and die”. Whose words are these?

Ilya Ehrenburg

2. What was the ancient Celtic settlement Paris formed from?


3. What island in the Seine is called the cradle of Paris?

Cite Island

4. What is the region of France Paris is the administrative center of?


5. What is the motto which is on the emblem of Paris?

“It is rocked but not sank”

6. Who founded the Louvre in Paris?

The Castle fortress Louvre was built by King Philip Augustus, the museum project originates in the reign of Louis XV

7. In front of what museum in Paris in the 80s of the 20th century was built the glass pyramid, the author of which was the architect Pei.


8. How policemen are called in Paris?


9. What river flows through Paris?


10. Whose words “Paris is worth Mess” are these?

Henry IV (Henri de Navarre)
