Spain Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

Spain Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers
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Free online printable quiz with multiple-choice questions (MCQ) without registration.

What do you know about Spain? Let's check your knowledge about this beautiful and unique country by playing the quiz.

The Spain Quiz has multiple choice trivia questions with answers that match the topic. Try to do your best!

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1. In which part of Europe is Spain located?

In the southwest

2. How many autonomous regions are there in Spain?


3. Which ocean is Spain bordered to the north and west by?

The Atlantic Ocean

4. Does Spain have a king?


5. What is the height of the Moncayo peak, which is the highest point of the Iberian mountain system?

2313 meters

6. What is the height of Mount Mulhacen, which is the highest point in the whole Spain?

3478 meters

7. How many Spaniards live in the country?

About 46.4 million people

8. Which of these cities is not one of the largest in the country?


9. Which of the following Spanish cities has a subway?

