Petroleum Quiz: questions and answers

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1. Who is the largest oil producer in the world in 2018?
United States
2. Which of the following is not a petroleum-derived liquid?
Petroleum coke
3. How much petroleum does the world consume every day?
95 million barrels
4. How many liters are in one oil barrel?
159 litres
5. Where does the word "petroleum" come from?
Ancient Greek and Latin
6. According to Herodotus, who were the first to use asphalt in the construction of walls and towers?
7. When was the first oil refinery built?
8. What percentage of the oil consumed worldwide went to the US in 2004?
9. Which countries have the world's largest deposits of oil sands?
Canada and Venezuela
10. Which of the following countries was not one of the first five members of the OPEC?