Pharmacy Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers
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1. Pharmacy is the technique of:
Preparing and Dispensing Drugs
2. Who is the father of pharmacy?
William Procter
3. When did the history of pharmacy begin?
1526 B.C
4. What is the branch of pharmacy that includes lawful practices and judiciary approval of different pharmacy products?
Drug Regulatory Affairs
5. What does IUPAC stand for?
International union of pure and applied chemicals
6. People, who work at a pharmacy are known as:
7. What is used as an antidote for Heparin poisoning?
Protamine sulfate
8. What is Senna liquid?
A laxative
9. TPN used for intensive care units is:
Total Parenteral Nutrition
10. What is Oral Clotrimazole commonly used as?
An antifungal