Pit Bull Terrier Quiz: 10 Trivia Questions and Answers

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Pit Bull Terrier is an American dog breed. These dogs can be perfect guardians and friends if they are trained properly. What do you know about them?
The Pit Bull Terrier Quiz includes ten multiple choice trivia questions with answers about this breed.
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1. Pit bull is the common name for a type of:
2. Which of the following breeds is not considered of the pit bull type?
German sheppard
3. Pit bulls were created by breeding:
Bulldogs and terriers together
4. Where was bear-baiting popular until the 19th century?
5. Which dog was breeded by Antonio Nores Martinez?
Dogo Argentino
6. When was bull-baiting officially eliminated in the United Kingdom?
7. What is the average weight of a male American Pit Bull Terrier?
15 - 27 kg
8. What is the lifespan of an American Pit Bull Terrier?
8 - 15 years
9. What is the average height of an American Staffordshire Terrier?
43 to 48 cm
10. Which unit did Sergeant Stubby belong to?
102nd Infrantry Regiment