Polaris Quiz: questions and answers

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Polaris is the brightest star in the northern sky. It is often used for navigation because it stays immovable on the night sky.
Polaris quiz includes interesting questions and answers to test your knowledge of the topic.
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1. What is Polaris?
The biggest star in Ursa Minor constellation
2. When was Polaris discovered?
3. Who discovered Polaris?
William Herschel
4. When did NASA release images from the Hubble telescope showing the three members of the Polaris ternary system?
5. What is the distance between Polaris A and the nearest dwarf star?
2.8 billion km
6. Who confirmed the variability of Polaris?
Ejnar Hertzsprung
7. When the variability of Polaris was confirmed?
8. What is Polaris also known as?
Pole Star
9. How long does it take for Polaris to complete its rotation?
119 days
10. Which constellation is Polaris located in?
Ursa Minor