Protestantism Quiz: questions and answers
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Protestantism is one of the three main branches of Christianity. It originated in the XVI century with a massive movement against the Roman Catholic church.
Protestantism quiz consists of ten curious multiple choicу questions and answers to test your knowledge about the topic.
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1. Where did Protestantism originate?
2. In what century did it originate?
16th century
3. Where is the greatest number of Protestantism followers?
4. Protestantism is one of the main branches of which religion?
5. Who was the inventor of Protestantism?
Martin Luther
6. When did the word "Protestant" appear for the first time?
7. When do protestants mainly meet to celebrate the cult?
Every Sunday
8. Which king of England separated the Church from the pope?
Henry VIII
9. What was the reason for the beginning of the Reformation movement?
Errors in the Roman Catholic Church
10. When did Martin Luther publish his "Ninety-five Theses"?