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Quran Quiz: questions and answers

Quran Quiz: questions and answers
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Free online printable quiz with multiple-choice questions (MCQ) without registration.

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1. What is the Quran?

The central religious text of Islam

2. Who wrote the Quran?


3. How many chapters does the Quran have?


4. How many times does the word "quran" appear in the text of the Quran?

70 times

5. What is the name of a man who has memorized all the Quran?


6. What are the chapters of the Quran called?


7. How are the chapters of Sura classified?

Meccan or Medinan

8. What is the total number of verses of the Quran?


9. What is the central theme of the Quran?

The monotheism

10. In what language was the Quran written?

