Renaissance Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

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Renaissance is a significant period in European history that took place in the period between the XIV and XVII centuries. This period was a transaction from the Middle Ages to modernity.
The Renaissance Quiz includes some multiple choice trivia questions with answers about the period.
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1. Where did the very first traces of renaissance occur?
2. What does the word "renaissance" mean?
"a rebirth"
3. Who wrote "Oration on the Dignity of Man"?
Pico della Mirandola
4. Who was the ruler of Florence during renaissance?
Lorenzo de'Medici
5. When was "Della vita civile" known as "The Civic Life" written?
6. Who wrote "Della vita civile" known as "The Civic Life"?
Matteo Palmieri
7. What is Leonardo da Vinci known for?
8. What is Dante Alighieri known for?
9. What is Giotto di Bondone known for?
10. Who was"Allegory of Good and Bad Government in Siena" made by?
Ambrogio Lorenzetti