Richard Nixon Quiz: questions and answers

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Richard Nixon was the 37th President of the U.S. He was the first and the last President who resigned before the end of his presidential term.
Richard Nixon quiz includes some interesting questions and answers about the life of this great American politician.
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1. In which war did Richard Nixon participate?
World War II
2. What happened to Richard Nixon during his visit to Caracas, Venezuela?
His vehicle was attacked with stones
3. Which position did Richard Nixon resign to be a senator in 1949?
Republican Chancellor
4. When did Richards Nixon put the United States in an economic crisis?
5. What was the reason for Richard Nixon's resignation from the presidency?
Fraud to the Nation
6. Which country did Richard Nixon visit and this visit made the whole United States hate him?
7. Where did Nixon study?
Duke University
8. Which South American country did Richard Nixon help with a coup?
9. Who Nixon lost the 1960 presidential election to?
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
10. Why did not Richard Nixon return to practice law?
He was expelled from the bar association.