Salt Quiz: questions and answers

Salt Quiz: questions and answers
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1. What is the main chemical component of table salt?


2. What is the chemical name for baking soda?

Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate

3. What is KAl (SO4)2?

Double Salt

4. Ammonium Chloride on dissolving with water gives what type of solution?


5. HgS04 is an example of which type of salt?

Acidic Salt

6. Which salt is employed for extracting out the permanent hardness of water?

Sodium Carbonate

7. How much salt does human body need daily?

180 mg to 500 mg a day

8. Where is salt mostly mined from?


9. What is hydrogen replaced with to form a salt in any acid?

A metal

10. Which salt can give an aqueous solution having pH of almost 7?

Potassium Chloride
