Oceans and Seas Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

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Oceans and Seas Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers
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Check your knowledge about the waters of the Earth by playing this quiz. Try your best to get more points!

The Oceans and Seas Quiz consists of multiple choice trivia questions with answers related to all waters of the world. Good Luck!

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1. Which ocean is the deepest?

Pacific Ocean

2. Which of these seas is not actually a sea?

Dead Sea

3. What is the biggest sea on Earth?

Sargasso Sea

4. What was the name of the ocean which formed both the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea?

Tethys Ocean

5. Oceans with which name exist on both Mars and Moon?

Southern Sea

6. Which sea is also known as Sodomian Sea?

Dead Sea

7. Which sea was known as the German Ocean by ancient Romans?

Northern Sea

8. Wich country is washed by the Black Sea and the Egean Sea?


9. Where is the Dead Sea located?

