Snakes Quiz: questions and answers

Snakes Quiz: questions and answers
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Free online printable quiz with multiple-choice questions (MCQ) without registration.

What do you know about snakes? Let's check your knowledge about these creatures by playing the quiz.

Snakes Quiz includes questions and answers about this carnivorous reptiles.

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1. What snake uses its body to kill?

Boa Constrictor

2. What are some snakes very dangerous for?


3. What is the variety of snakes?

3000 species

4. Where are snakes present?


5. What class of animals are snakes?


6. Which of the following snake has a very bright color?

Green Tree Python

7. What is the longest snake?


8. What is the most poisonous snake in the world?

Black mamba

9. Where do black mamba snakes present?


10. In which movie there was a Deadly Viper Assassination Squad?

Kill Bill
