Southern Ocean Quiz: questions and answers

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The Southern Ocean is located around Antarctica. It consists of Southern parts on the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.
Southern Ocean quiz includes interesting questions with multiple choice answers related to the topic.
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1. What is the Southern Ocean also known as?
Antarctic Ocean
2. What is the greatest depth in the Southern Ocean?
7,236 m
3. What are the names of the gyres that exist within the Southern Ocean?
Ross Gyre and Weddell Gyre
4. How many species of krill can be found in the Southern Ocean?
5. In which year did explorer James Clark Ross pass through the Ross Sea?
6. Which sea does not belong to the Southern Ocean?
The Balearic Sea
7. Which of the following islands is located in the Southern Ocean?
The Kerguelen Islands
8. Southern waters of which ocean don't belong to the Southern Ocean?
Arctic Ocean
9. How many seas there are around Antarctica, which belong to the Southern Ocean?