Stephen King Quiz: 10 Trivia Questions and Answers

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Stephen King is a very famous American writer of the XXI century. He is also known as the "King of Horror". What do you know about the personality and life of this incredibly talented author?
The Stephen King quiz consists of several interesting questions and answers to test yourself.
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1. When was Stephen King born?
2. Which pen name did King use for publishing seven of his novels?
Richard Bachman
3. In which US state do most of his stories take place?
4. What is the title of King's memoir?
On Writing
5. What is Stephen King's alma mater?
University of Maine
6. Which novel was King's writing debut?
7. How many days did it take King to write The Running Man?
8. Which novel did Stephen King write at the age of 12?
Mr. Rabbit Trick
9. Which of these awards has Stephen King never won?
Booker Prize
10. Which author influenced King's writings the most?
Richard Matheson