Strawberry Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

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Strawberry is very delicious and healthy food. It is one of the most consumed berries in the world. What do you know about this plant?
The Strawberry Quiz includes 10 multiple choice trivia questions with answers to test your knowledge. How many correct answers will you give?
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1. Where was the garden strawberry first bred?
Brittany, France
2. Which was the first strawberry species in the 17th century?
The woodland strawberry
3. When was the very first garden strawberry cultivated?
18th century
4. Who created the popular combination of strawberries and cream?
Thomas Wolsey
5. Which method is used for the modern commercial production of strawberries?
Plasticulture system
6. Which Polish fruit was the first to get commercial protection under EU law?
Kashubian strawberry
7. How many species of pests are known to attack strawberries?
Around 200
8. On which holiday is traditional strawberry dessert served in Sweden?
St John's Day
9. What is the percentage of vitamin C for 100 g of strawberries?
10. What is the percentage of Manganese for 100 g of strawberries?