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Sword Quiz: questions and answers

Sword Quiz: questions and answers
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Free online printable quiz with multiple-choice questions (MCQ) without registration.

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1. Which kind of sword has a pointed tip on the blade?

Thrusting swords

2. Which swords has a sharpened cutting edge on both sides?

Slashing swords

3. When were swords developed?

Bronze Age

4. Which sword is fairly short and has no crossguard?

Iron Age sword

5. Which swords were used in the Roman Empire?

The spatha

6. What is the Old English word for "sword"?


7. Which one is an example of a non-European double-edged sword?

The Chinese jìan

8. Where was the first sword-like weapon found?

In Turkey

9. Which one was the longest-lasting sword of the European Bronze Age?

Naue II

10. Where has the Griffzungenschwert type sword first appeared?

In Northern Italy
