Planet Uranus Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

Planet Uranus Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers
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Uranus is one of two ice giants of the Solar System. It was discovered at the end of the XVIII century.

The Planet Uranus quiz includes ten multiple choice trivia questions with answers to test your knowledge about this space object. How many correct answers will you give?

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1. What is Uranus?

An ice giant

2. Who was the first to discover Uranus?

William Herschel

3. How long does a year on Uranus last?

84 Earth years

4. What do Uranus and Venus have in common?

They spin in a clockwise direction

5. Which spacecraft was the only to land on Uranus surface?


6. Why does the planet have a greenish-blue color?

Because of methane content in its atmosphere

7. Who discovered the Uranus satellites Ariel and Umbriel?

William Lassell

8. The atmosphere of Uranus is abundant with argon.


9. How many rings does Uranus have?

More than 9

10. What is Uranus position from the Sun?

