Venom Quiz: questions and answers

Venom Quiz: questions and answers
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Venom is one of the villains of Marvel Universe. His appearance is usually associated with Spider-Man.

Venom quiz includes ten interesting questions and answers about this fictional character.

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1. Who is Venom associated with?


2. In which year the Venom made the first appearance as a living alien costume?


3. In which series did Venom make an appearance?

Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel

4. What place does Venom occupy in the list of Empire's 50 Greatest Comic Book Characters?


5. Who of these people is a host for Venom?

Peter Parker

6. In which video game did Venom make his first appearance?

The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin

7. When was "Venom" movie released?


8. Which one of these is an ability of Venom?

Limited shapeshifting and camouflage

9. Who played the role of the Venom in the Spider-Man trilogy?

Topher Grace

10. Who was the first human to host the Venom Symbiote?

