White House Quiz: questions and answers

White House Quiz: questions and answers
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White House is the most important building in the United States cause it is the official residence of the President. What do you know about this place?

White House quiz consists of curious multiple-choice questions and answers to test yourself.

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1. Who lives in the White House?

The President of the United States

2. Where is the White House located?

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C.

3. Who designed the White House building?

James Hoban

4. What is the architectural style of the White House building?


5. When did the construction of the White House start?

October 13, 1792

6. Who was the first US President to occupy the White House?

John Adams

7. What is the name given to the President's office?

The Oval Office

8. How many acres do the White House and its grounds cover?

18 acres

9. When did the Truman Reconstruction take place?


10. Who set ablaze the White House during the War of 1812?

British troops
