Windsurfing Quiz: questions and answers

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1. When was windsurf invented?
2. Who was the inventor of windsurfing?
Alfred Seltz Jr.
3. When was windsurfing recognized as an Olympic sport?
4. Who was the inventor of the sailboard?
Newman Darby
5. How many UK champion titles does Guy Cribb have?
6. In which Summer Olympics did Gal Fridman win the gold medal?
2004 Summer Olympics, Athens
7. Where is Gal Fridman from?
8. Who was the first gold medal winner in a Summer Olympic windsurfing contest?
Stephan van den Berg
9. Who holds the windsurf speed record (60mph)?
Antoine Albeau
10. How long is the board used in windsurfing?
2 to 2.5 metres