The Wine Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

Free online printable quiz with multiple-choice questions (MCQ) without registration.
Wine is one of the most popular and bestselling drink in the world. The tradition of winemaking goes far back to ancient times. Let's check what do you know about this by playing the quiz.
The Wine Quiz includes ten multiple choice trivia questions with answers. Will you be able to answer each one correctly?
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1. What is wine made of?
2. What is the percentage of alcohol in wines?
5.5% - 15.5%
3. What is the earliest known winery?
Areni-1 winery
4. Where is the earliest known winery located?
5. When did the tradition of winemaking reach the Balkans?
4500 BC
6. What was red wine regarded as by ancient Egyptians?
7. Which Latin word does the word 'wine come from?
8. What the red color of the wine comes from?
9. Dry white wine is derived from the fermentation of _____
10. What is honey wine also known as?