Women’s Suffrage Quiz: questions and answers

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The women's suffrage movement began in 1848. The aim of this movement was the fight for the right of women to vote in the elections.
Women’s Suffrage Quiz has questions with multiple choice answers about the stated topic. Play the quiz and check what do you know about this.
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1. What is the women's suffrage?
The right of women to vote in elections
2. What is a person who advocates the extension of suffrage called?
3. When did women in the US vote for the first time?
4. What was the first country in the Americas where women got the right to vote?
5. What is the only place in the world where women can't vote in the elections?
Vatican City
6. What started the women's suffrage movement?
Declaration of Rights and Sentiments
7. What culminates in the suffrage movement?
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
8. What was the last country to give women the right to vote?
Saudi Arabia
9. Which was the first European country to introduce women's suffrage?
Grand Duchy of Finland
10. To which movement does women's suffrage belong?