World Trade Center Quiz: questions and answers

World Trade Center Quiz: questions and answers
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1. In which part of New York City was the World Trade Center located?


2. What was the height of the World Trade Center?

417 m

3. Who was the main contractor of the World Trade Center?

Tishman Realty & Construction Company

4. When was the World Trade Center opened?


5. Who owned the World Trade Center?

Port Authority of New York and New Jersey

6. When was the World Trade Center destroyed during the terrorist attack?

September 11, 2000

7. What happened to the World Trade Center on February 26, 1993?

First terrorist attack

8. On which floor of the south tower was the 1995 PCA world chess championship played?


9. When did Dan Goodwin successfully climbed the outside of the North Tower?


10. When was the World Trade Center robbed by the mafia?

