Yoga Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

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Yoga is a term derived from Indian culture that is used for naming the complex of spiritual, psychological and physical practices. People use these practices for reaching the inner balance and enlightenment.
The Yoga Quiz consists of several multiple choice trivia questions and answers to test what do you know about it.
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1. Who is the father of yoga?
Maharshi Patanjali
2. Which language the word "Yoga" originates from?
3. Yoga suggests how many fold path of life?
4. What is the ultimate goal of yoga?
5. How many Koshas do humans have as per yogic system?
6. Who brought yoga to the humans?
7. There were how many asanas classically enlisted in yoga?
8. What type of yoga was invented by Bharat Thakur?
Artistic Yoga
9. What are the five elements in yoga?
Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Akash
10. There are how many chakras in the human body?