Space Quiz: What Do I Know About Space

Space Quiz: What Do I Know About Space
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The cosmos is full of unexplored mysteries. It attracts human consciousness like a magnet, hungry for knowledge and understanding. The greatest minds of mankind have devoted their entire lives to it. And many of us are interested in all that is related to this most interesting subject. The greatest discoveries are out there!

The Space Quiz: What Do I Know About Space consists of 10 questions of varying difficulty. They will test your knowledge of the topic. How many correct answers will you give?

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1. What type of star does the Sun belong to?

Yellow dwarf

2. How many hours are a day on Jupiter?

9 hours 55 minutes and 40 seconds

3. How many satellites does Saturn have as of October 2019?


4. What is the atmosphere of Venus made of?

Carbon dioxide

5. What planet is Jupiter?

A gas giant

6. How did the Moon appear, according to the giant collision theory?

It was formed after Earth collided with the hypothetical planet Theia

7. What is the average daily temperature on Mercury?

348 degrees

8. Which planet in the solar system is the fourth farthest from the Sun and the seventh largest?


9. When was the Hubble Telescope launched?

In 1990

10. In which constellation is the red supergiant Betelgeuse located?

The Constellation Orion
