Words for crosswords and scanwords
- At what time did Cinderella supposed to leave the ball? 8 letters
- Chineese bamboo bear? 5 letters
- Colonists of this country founded New York? 10 letters
- Hoe many swans drew the boat through the deep woods? 3 letters
- How many autonomous regions includes China? 4 letters
- How many brothers-princes has Eliza? 6 letters
- How many mice did the fairy need? 5 letters
- How many nations does China border? 8 letters
- How many states is USA composed of? 5 letters
- How much fairies did the king and queen found in the whole kingdom? 5 letters
- How old was Eliza rhen she returned home? 7 letters
- How the evil stepmoher called Cinderella? 11 letters
- In what city was killed the U.S. President Kennedy? 6 letters
- In whose honour was built the Arc de Triomphe? 8 letters
- Island that belongs to China? 6 letters
- Main language of the USA? 7 letters
- Name of the island that considered to be the historical-heart of Paris? 4 letters
- Name of the island that has hosted a museum of immigration since 1990 and was a part of the Statue of Liberty National Monument? 5 letters
- Name of the river that divides the city into two regions? 5 letters
- One of the five counties of New York? 5 letters
- One of the five counties of New York? 8 letters
- One of the five counties of New York? 9 letters
- One of the five counties of New York? 6 letters
- One of the longest river in the world? 11 letters
- One of the most famouse tourist attraction with royal château and huge park/? 10 letters
- One of the most important American writers? 9 letters
- One of the native tribes who had lived at New York area before colonization? 8 letters
- One of the world's biggest art museums? 12 letters
- Paris is the capital of this counrty? 6 letters
- The bird that princes have been turn into? 4 letters
- The capital of Sichuan province known by it's pandas conservancy areas? 7 letters
- The city where the headquarters of NASA is situated? 10 letters
- The country that borders China in northern part? 8 letters
- The creature that had to put a spell on Eliza? 4 letters
- The family name of the first chineese dynasty? 3 letters
- The form of government in China? 8 letters
- The last name of the architector who built the Opera House in Paris? 7 letters
- The last name of the author of «Alice in Wonderland»? 7 letters
- The last of the defensive walls of Paris? 11 letters
- The longest avenue of New York known by it's theaters? 8 letters
- The main factor in increasing of population of New York? 11 letters
- The main person in the US government? 9 letters
- The main public transport in New York? 5 letters
- The most popular religion in US? 12 letters
- The name of an autonomous region in China that is former Portuguese colony? 5 letters
- The name of an autonomous territory in China that is one of the most important financial centers in the world? 9 letters
- The name of one of the most famous university in US? 7 letters
- The name of the author of «Alice in Wonderland»? 5 letters
- The name of the boy who Ole Lukoie told seven stories to? 7 letters
- The name of the elder sister/? 9 letters