Words for crosswords and scanwords
- What was the obstacle to the garden? 4 letters
- What was the only toy at peasant's house for Eliza? 4 letters
- What was the race of prince's mother? 4 letters
- What was the sentence for Duchess for boxing the Queen’s ears? 9 letters
- What was the sneezing spice? 6 letters
- What was the thing fairy made all the miracles with? 4 letters
- What was the title cat gave to his master? 7 letters
- What was the title of the lady of Hearts? 5 letters
- What was the vehicle king and princess have traveled in? 5 letters
- What were Cinderella's slipers made of? 5 letters
- When did strange things happen in the table drawer? 6 letters
- When the boy was sailing on the boat through the painting? 7 letters
- When the rain was so havy that it made a whole lake outside? 9 letters
- Where Cinderella dreamed to go t? 4 letters
- Where CInderella lost hel slipper? 5 letters
- Where did Alice follow the Rabbit to? 4 letters
- Where did Eliza finally met her brothers? 9 letters
- Where did Eliza go after her father didn't recognize her? 6 letters
- Where did mouse invite the boy to? 7 letters
- Where did the little fairy hide the castle princess was sleeping in? 4 letters
- Where did the ogre live? 6 letters
- Where Eliza supposed to gather stinging nettles? 9 letters
- Where the Declaration of Independence of the United States was signed? 12 letters
- Where the Master of Carabas have been bathing while cat cried out for help? 5 letters
- Where the New York zoo is situated? 12 letters
- Where was hidden the Marquis clothes? 5 letters
- Where was hiding the old fairy wha wasn't invited for the feast? 5 letters
- Where was the ball? 5 letters
- Where was the cat hiding from the lion? 4 letters
- Which animal did the cat catch in the forest? 6 letters
- Which bird was invited to the doll's wedding? 7 letters
- Which color was the Rabbit? 5 letters
- Which country is bordered on the south of the US? 6 letters
- Which country sold the Alaska to US? 6 letters
- Which form of government was in China untill 1911? 8 letters
- Which sea lays between China and South Korea? 6 letters
- Who accused Elisa of witchcraft? 10 letters
- Who Alice encounters the Mock Turtle with? 7 letters
- Who Alice was chasing after in the beginning of the tale? 6 letters
- Who did Cinderella usually talk to? 3 letters
- Who did fairy turn lizards into? 7 letters
- Who did suddenly appeare at the kitchen? 5 letters
- Who did the cat become after the Merquise's wedding with a princess? 4 letters
- Who did the Marquis bacome for a king in the end of the fairy tale? 10 letters
- Who didn'l like Cinderella and forced her to do all the housework? 10 letters
- Who fell in love with the Master? 8 letters
- Who gave the boy the prettiest sugar pigs? 10 letters
- Who had built the broadcasting tower which later became the main attraction of Paris? 6 letters
- Who helped Cinderella to solve the problem with lentils and ashes? 5 letters
- Who hosted the poor Eliza? 7 letters