Continents and Oceans Quiz: 10 Trivia Questions with Answers

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Oceans and continents are the main geographical objects on our planet. How many continents are there? Which ocean is the deepest? These and other questions are waiting for you on this page of our website.
The Continents and Oceans Quiz consists of multiple choice trivia questions. Test your knowledge of geography!
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1. Which continent is the largest?
2. What was the ancient single continent called?
3. Which continent is washed by the seas of the Pacific Ocean: the Arafura Sea, the Coral Sea, the Tasman Sea, the Timor Sea?
4. On which continent does the Amazon River flow?
South America
5. On which continent is the highest point on the planet?
6. On which continent is Kilimanjaro Stratovolcano located?
7. How many oceans are there on the planet if you count the South?
8. Which ocean is the largest in area and depth?
9. Who discovered America?
Christopher Columbus
10. Which oceans washed Eurasia?
Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Arctic