Literature Quiz: Do You Know Fairy Tales?

Literature Quiz: Do You Know Fairy Tales?
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Magic fairy tales are the best stories that surround us from childhood, develop our imagination, and simply lift our spirits. There are so many of them that each of us can choose our favorite, the one that made the biggest impression or just really liked it.

The Literature Quiz "Do you know fairy tales?" which we suggest you take today, consists of questions of varying difficulty. Test your knowledge!

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1. Which storyteller did NOT write his version of the Cinderella tale?


2. What was the occupation of the father of the three sons who share the inheritance at the beginning of the tale of The Puss in Boots?


3. Which fairy tale heroine has the longest hair?

Rapunzel from the Brothers Grimm fairy tale

4. What magical ability did Rumpelstiltskin, the hero of one of the Grimm brothers' famous fairy tales, possess?

Create gold from straw

5. What does the princess drop into the well in the Grimm brothers' fairy tale of King Frog?


6. What kind of wife was the prince looking for in Andersen's fairy tale The Princess on the Pea?

A real princess

7. How many brothers does the main character in Andersen's fairy tale "The Wild Swans" have?


8. Fritz and Marie are characters from the fairy tale ...

The Nutcracker and the Mouse King

9. What was the nickname of the ugly babe in one of Wilhelm Hauff's fairy tales?

Little Mook

10. How many chapters are there in Andersen's famous fairy tale The Snow Queen?


11. Who did Ole Lukoyer's brother turn out to be?


12. What was old carpenter Giuseppe's nickname in the fairy tale "Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino"?

Blue Nose

13. In whose storefront are the toys seen by the boy Francesco Monti in Gianni Rodari's Christmas story "The Blue Arrow"?

The fairy Befana

14. At what age is the mermaid allowed to surface the sea for the first time in Andersen's famous fairy tale?

At 15 years old

15. Sivka Burka is...

magic horse

16. What grew from the seed in Astrid Lindgren's fairy tale "Mirabel"?

A doll
