Astronomy Quiz: questions and answers

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Astronomy is the science that studies planets, stars, and space in general. One of the main issues of the astronomy is the presence of intelligent life on other planets.
Astronomy quiz includes ten general knowledge questions with multiple choice answers. Try your best and get the highest score.
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1. Which of these astronomers did not take part in the Scientific Revolution?
Albert Einstein
2. Which of these topics is not covered by astronomy?
3. Which nation is considered the mother of astronomy?
4. What is the name of our galaxy?
Milky Way
5. Which vehicles does man use to go into space?
6. How many stars are there in the Solar System?
7. What is the date of the first successful launch of the Ariane rocket?
December 24, 1979
8. Who discovered Titan, a satellite of Saturn?
Christiaan Huygens
9. How many objects are there in the Messier catalog?
10. What was the first spacecraft to cross the asteroid belt?
Pioneer 10