Atlantis Quiz: questions and answers

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1. What is Atlantis?
A mysterious fictional island
2. Where is Atlantis supposed to be located?
Somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea
3. What does "Atlantis" mean in ancient Greek?
"an island of Atlas"
4. Who was the first to mention Atlantis?
5. What happened to Atlantis?
It sunk after tsunami, earthquake or volcano
6. How long ago did Atlantis exist?
More than 9000 years ago
7. How did Plato describe the military force of Atlantis?
An island with great military power
8. How big was Atlantis according to Plato?
Bigger than Lybia and Asia Minor
9. Where did Atlantis dominate?
Western Europe and Northern Africa
10. Who wrote the "New Atlantis" novel?
Francis Bacon