Espresso Quiz: questions and answers

Espresso Quiz: questions and answers
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Free online printable quiz with multiple-choice questions (MCQ) without registration.

Espresso is an Italian coffee made with the technology of nearly boiling water forced through finely-ground coffee beans. Espresso is also used as the main ingredient if different coffee drinks.

Espresso quiz consists of some interesting questions and multiple choice answers related to the topic.

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1. What is the country of origin of espresso?


2. How can the taste of espresso be described?


3. What is the quantity of caffeine?


4. What have to be on top of the espresso to show its quality?


5. Who's the inventor of the espresso coffee machine?

Angelo Moriondo

6. What does the word "espresso" mean?


7. What's the composition of espresso?

Crema, body and heart

8. What's the heart of the espresso?

Is the very bottom of an espresso shot that should be a deep brown hue

9. Espresso was invented:

As a way to decrease workers’ coffee break time

10. What can espresso give to you?

