Healthy Lifestyle Quiz: questions and answers

Free online printable quiz with multiple-choice questions (MCQ) without registration.
Health has been the most important social issue for the last few years. There is a lot of information about how to support your health exist in mass media. Play the quiz and test what do you know about it.
Healthy Lifestyle quiz includes ten questions and answers about the topic.
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1. How many minutes should an average person walk a day?
20 minutes
2. An apple a day ______
keeps the doctor away
3. Which vitamin is good for eyes?
Vitamin A
4. What is the recommended daily water intake?
2 Liters
5. What are the general sleep requirements for an adult?
7 to 9 hours
6. Why do people have to use bath salts?
To relax and sleep better
7. What is usually recommended as a self care tip for depression?
Active lifestyle
8. How do puzzles help you?
They help exercise the brain
9. When must you brush your teeth if you brush them only once a day?
At night before you sleep
10. How often you must have a routine body checkup?
Once a year