Korean War Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

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1. When did the Korean War start?
2. Which countries supported North Korea during the war?
China and the Soviet Union
3. In how many sovereign states was Korea divided?
4. Which of these countries joined the US forces during the conflict?
All are correct
5. On what date was the Battle of Osan?
July 5, 1950
6. Who won the Battle of Inchon?
United Nations
7. On what date the PVA 13th Army Group launched the First Phase Offensive?
October 25, 1950
8. Which battle took place on September 13, 1951?
Battle of Heartbreak Ridge
9. What is the name of the line that divides North Korea and South Korea?
38th parallel north
10. On what date it was announced that North Korea and South Korea agreed to talks to end the ongoing 65-year conflict?
April 25, 2018