Elephants Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

Elephants Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers
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Elephants are the biggest animals living on our planet. In some cultures, this animal plays an important role of the sacred animal. 

The Elephants Quiz consists of multiple choice trivia questions with answers to check what do you know about these animals.


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1. Which country considers an elephant as a sacred animal?

In India

2. How many species of elephants do exist?


3. What species of elephants is the largest?

An African elephant

4. On the coat of arms of what city is an elephant depicted?


5. Which Indian god is depicted as an elephant?


6. What is the reason for which elephant has become a favorite prey of poachers?

Bones and tusks

7. How many kilos of feed are required for an elephant per day?

300 kg

8. What are the elephants famous for?


9. What is the weight of an African bush elephant?

5,500 kg

10. How many years does an elephant live?

Up to 70 years
