Orchids Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

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Orchids are very beautiful and tender flowers which amaze with its incredible beauty. What do you know about these flowering plants?
The Orchids Quiz consists of some multiple choice trivia questions with answers to test yourself. How many correct answers will you give?
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1. What are the Orchidaceae?
A family of flowering plants
2. How many species does the Orchidaceae family have?
3. What is the largest genus in the orchid family Orchidaceae?
4. In which of the following countries is genus Cattleya not found?
5. What is an epiphyte?
An organism that grows on the surface of a plant
6. Where can Catasetum atratum be found?
7. How many genera of Orchidaceae can be found in North America?
20 to 26 genera
8. Who were the first to use orchids in traditional medicine?
9. Cattleya mossiae is the national flower of:
10. How old is the American Orchid Society?
97 years old