Rap Music Quiz: questions and answers

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Rap is one of the important parts of hip hop music. Aggressive and wise lyrics add something special to instrumental hip hop music.
Rap Music Quiz with ten fun questions and answers will test your knowledge about the topic.
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1. Where did rap music originate from?
2. When did rap music started?
3. Which city did rap music originate from?
New York
4. Who created the term 'hip hop'?
Keith Cowboy
5. Which album was a major success in 1990?
'Fear of a Black Planet' by Public Enemy
6. Which album did Dr. Dre produce in 2003?
The Marshall Mathers LP
7. When was the term hip hop first used in print?
8. When did 'Planet rock' come out?
9. What was the first recorded hip hop track?
Rappers Delight
10. When was the first hip hop track recorded?